Creating a Routine


In an attempt to create some structure at home for my kids and I, I’ve started Annamarie on a sort of preschool homeschool routine. It’s very, very basic, but we are both loving it. The book pictured below is such great tool for reading and writing! The lessons are short and sweet, perfect for a toddler. I’ve also have her folding laundry and putting things away. She loves helping me and I can tell it brings her great satisfaction doing practical life things. I’ve realized how important it is to create structure at home. That way the kids know what to expect & when to expect it, resulting in less tantrums and more productivity. Currently our schedule looks like this:

7am-kids wake up. Breakfast, morning play

8:30am- leave for crossfit. Kids play & run around during + after!

11:00am- get home. eat some snacks. Felicity takes a nap

11:30am- Annamarie has her school lesson, completes a chore, and has some quiet reading time.

12:30pm- Lunch

1:15 – 3:00pm – random free time, usually the kids roam around the house while I clean or do something productive. Sometimes we go to a store or the park.

3:00pm- Annamarie takes a nap. Felicity plays with mommy for 30 minutes before taking another nap.

3:30-4:30- Quiet time for me. This is when I pray, read the bible, and get some work done. Sometimes I fall asleep after the prayer part. Always a welcome surprise.

4:30pm- figure out dinner. Kids wake up & help me/play around me in the kitchen.

6:00pm- Family dinner. Followed by family prayer, followed by family play time!

7:30pm- kids go to bed. I collapse on the couch before getting up to do some work & hang out with the hubby. (we love watching netflix together!)

I love being a mom. It’s tiring, and I don’t get as much free time as I’de like, but so worth it!

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